Senin, 24 Oktober 2011

The Prisoner’s Game

The Prisoner’s Game theory said that if one person doesn't obey the rule, then he will gain from the situation and the rest of population will lose. But if everybody broke the law then nobody will win. Zero sum game happen, and sometimes chaos.

I think, this is an example of The Prisoner’s Game theory.I was going to have a tour with the rest of the group. We were planning to start at 9 o' clock in the morning, and visited several places.

But some people came late, so the other had to wait. The next thing that happened was because of the lateness, we had to cancel one location, because there wasn't enough time.

If everybody came on time, then we would have enough time all the scheduled places. One people is lucky because he can still join the tour even he is late, but the whole team miss a place because of the lateness. A perfect example of prisoner's game!

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